Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tunnel vision

Henri is such a good boy! I am so proud!

On Saturdays, Henri and I, along with his best buddy Mac (a Westie) and Mac's mom, "M" (a human) go to dog agility training. That's the agility race course where dogs jump over hurdles, weave thru bars, go thru tunnels and over teeter totters. The dogs look like they are having the best time. We're in the "pre" agility stages. We're learning the basics first.

Today was a small class, just Henri and Mac (until the Corgi puppies arrived) so we got a little extra attention. Henri is a sensitive dog and a bit timid at times. In a big class he's distracted and wary. But today he was perfect!

We learned about "the tunnel". A dark cave of the unknown. He was first dog up. The instructor held Henri at one end of the tunnel and I stood at the other and called. He raced thru that tunnel sooooo fast! Did I mention that Henri is a momma's dog? Yeah. That's a bit of an understatement. He's a bit unsure about strangers. Any wariness of the tunnel was overriden by the need to be next to mom and away from the mean old instructor (she's actually very nice). Zoom! Thru the tunnel. Let's do it again! Zoom! Zoom Zoom!

After the lesson, we had a bit of extra time. I took him back to the tunnel to see if I could get him to go thru. He DID! He's So SMART! Good Boy! By the end of the class, Henri was going thru the tunnel all by himself with the command, "tunnel" - I'm so proud :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You should read my friend Glenna's blog. She does a lot with doggie training.