Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What would JC eat?

It's Wednesday night. Day 2 since I found JC. I think I may be saved.

Not the BIG JC. I know this IS Texas and there are people ready and waiting to save my soul. But I'm talking about the planned diet complete with tasty frozen cuisine popularlized on tv by the likes of Kirstie and Valerie and Queen.

I am still hungry.

So the number on the scale was frightening. I mean, it's not like I didn't know. I guess I was just avoiding facing up to it. After Atkins a few years ago (worked... gained it back) and other attempts (worked... gained it back. didn't work... gained it back...) I am ready to get serious again. Plus, I don't want to buy bigger pants. Smaller pants. Must. Buy. Smaller. Pants.

And so far, it's not bad. The convenience factor is high and I can actually refer to the frozen meals as "cuisine" without laughing. I don't have to cook. I don't have to plan a week's worth meals and shop for groceries in advance. I hate planning, so that's a big bonus. By the time I get home from work I'm so ready for dinner - it's nice to be able to nukerwave instant gratification. Plus, it's supplimented with salad and veggies, fruit, cheese and other good for you stuff. So I guess I still have to plan a little. And I still have to go to the grocery store. I'm adding personal chef to my list of 'wants' when I win the lottery :)

But I am still hungry.

Last year, I tried a similar program. You know the one - starts with Nutri; ends with System. I was so excited! I thought that would be the coolest! Q V C had a special 4 week deal. Wow. No planning. Yeah! Easy! Yeah! I couldn't wait to start.

I made it 4 days. I stopped cold turkey when I opened the "chicken stew" for lunch expecting, well, something resembling chicken, stew and noodles. Like the picture. What I got was some milky-grey colored gelatin that was slightly lumpy. Everything had disintegrated into this odd sort of gooo. I was determined to give it a go. Heated it up. Better. Not quite as gelatious. Not really soupy though. Very thick... "stewlike" you might say. There were no noodles. Where did they go? I think the lumps were chicken. Yum! I stirred it. It clung to the spoon like a satin dress on a fat lady without proper undergarments. I smelled it. Um. (Notice no 'Y'). I tasted it. I'll never make that mistake again.

JC is not like that. So far so good. First check in is Monday. I'll keep y'all posted!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I did the WW "cuisine" while Secret Agent Man was posted in Denver. Frozen meals rock! Zone bar for breakfast, Subway for lunch, WW for dinner. I'm a sucker for routine.

But now I'm in Oz and frozen dinners are around $7 a pop. So it's lots of PB&Js (which my co-workers had never heard of before) and fruit. I'm trying to get a few more kilos off (so much more motivating in metric... only 3 more to go!!) but it doesn't help that I get to take home all the expired chocolates from work.