Friday, September 19, 2008


This past week I caught some nasty summer cold and decided to stay home on Wednesday and nurse the fever with chicken soup cocktails spiked with advil and decongestants. I worked from home on Thursday and was itching to talk to someone other than Henri by Friday. He's a good conversationalist, but he tends to go on and on about squirrels and birds and treats. I was ready for more "human" conversation.

So when I walked into the office this morning and said good morning to my boss, he announced that there were donuts.

"So there's donuts."

"Thanks - I'll pass. JC would not approve."

"JC?" he says with a puzzled look.

I pause and shift my weight to the other foot. "Have you been saved?"

What followed was a look of utter speechlessness. He looked surprised and amused as he searched the ceiling for the right words. At the office, you're not supposed to talk religion (or politics).

"By Donuts?" he says.

(I imagine being saved by donuts.)

Finally I let him in on the joke, " J e n n y C r a i g would not approve."

He lets out a big laugh and sighs with relief. The look on his face was absolutely priceless!


Here's the latest - I missed Wed's check in but went in today. Despite an entire week of not following the plan (quesedilla's rule!) and lying around sick for 2 days, I was down 3.5 pounds! I was totally expecting the scale to call me out on failing to follow the JC plan. I expected to have gained. I expected to be totally unmotivated and sad despite knowingly going in with cheater cheater cheater written all over my face. But instead, I gaze at the slightly smaller number with total disbelief. I'm psyched! Whoo hooo! The yard work this weekend will help me keep going in the right direction.

That makes 21 now. I'm beginning to notice but no one else has. Sigh.

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